Formula Vee is a successful South African Racing Formula since 1965
enabling drivers to compete on a national level. It is a Registered Association affiliated to Motor Sport South Africa run under the strict control of a member elected committee, and has consistently had the largest number of licensed competitors in South Africa, for a single seater formula.
It is the most affordable single seater formula and makes motorsport accessible to the man on the street, and has been a crucial feeder category for the serious single seater racing driver delivering outstanding drivers including Tony Maggs, John Love, Peter de Klerk, Dave Charlton, Desire Wilson, Etienne van der Linde and Thomas Scheckter.
The emphasis has always been on driver development and has played a crucial part in the South African Motorsport's development with the Lotto Development program giving youngsters like Courtney Steenveld and Zaahir Essa a change to shine.